Exclusives Interviews

Lynnpdexclusive Interviews
I've had the opportunity to interview many people in the entertainment industry from music supervisors, directors to actors and actresses. It's been a thrill and also sometimes inspirational. Interviewing Stephen Moyer's friend Bertie Portal was one of those inspirational interviews, and it makes it all worthwhile to be able to meet interesting people that inspire you to live your dreams. All of these interviews were were originally seen on The Vault-TrueBlood-Online.com and AllStephenMoyer.com.

Below are links to the interviews I've done since I first started doing them for The Vault - TrueBlood-Online.com. Some of these interviews have been five minute videos and other have been in depth interviews that just couldn't be cut down because what I learned during the process was so worth keeping.

Gary Calamar
Gary Calamar December 9, 2009- Gary was my very first interview. Although I have since met him, I hadn't met him at the time I did his interview. I had just started working for The Vault and he was kind enough to answer some questions for me via email. When I moved to LA last year, I got to meet him at one of his DJ gigs in Santa Monica.  He is a really great person.

Michael LehmannMichael Lehmann  May 25, 2010 - I have to say that Michael is probably my favorite director on True Blood because I love his crazy sense of humor and his ultimate professional approach at what he does.  He is truly a gifted craftsman. Michael is also a generous person who spoke with me for over an hour via Skype to answer all the many questions I had about his career and True Blood.  It is the longest of my interviews so far, but there was just so much good stuff in it, I couldn't make myself cut it at all. I also got to finally meet Michael in person when they showed one of his best films, "Heathers" at the Aero Theater in Santa Monica last summer, he didn't disappoint.
Jace Everett
Jace Everett - June 5, 2010 and September 1, 2010 - I've actually interviewed Jace twice. The first time was the day before I was leaving my home town of Philadelphia to move here to Los Angeles. He was playing at University of Pennsylvania's World Cafe and my sister and I went. He was great and granted me a short video interview and I got lots of video of his performance.  The second time I interviewed him was for the promotion of the song "Evil" which he and C. C. Adcock did for the episode in Season 3 of True Blood. Jace answered some questions for me via email about the making of the track. I found Jace to be unbelievably talented and such a nice guy and I wish him a lot of success with his new album.

Sam Trammell
Sam Trammell November 14, 2010 - I got a short interview with Sam Trammell on the second occasion that I met him when I attended the "Actors for Ocean's" event on Sunset Boulevard last fall. Sam was so polite and nice and he stayed and gave me the brief interview as a special favor. He didn't reveal too much about filming of Season 4, but he did talk about practicing to play his acoustic guitar.

Tanya Wright
Tanya Wright - December 16, 2010 - I went to hear Tanya talk about and read excerpts from her book "Butterfly Rising". I did a brief video interview with her at that time.

Michael McMillian
Michael McMillian February 23, 2011 - I went to see Deborah Ann Woll and Michael McMillian when they attended a live taping of the Bagged and Boarded podcast in Hollywood. After the event I asked Michael if he would grant me the interview to help promote his new comic book, the second True Blood comic he was co-writing with Michael Andreyko. He graciously consented to the interview. I sent him email questions and he responded quickly. Michael is so funny and witty and nothing like Reverend Newlin. However, I couldn't think of anyone else to play that part but him.

Robert (Bertie) Portal
Bertie Portal March 15, 2011 - Bertie is an actor who was in the film, "The King's Speech" but he is also Stephen Moyer's closest mates. Bertie is rowing across the Atlantic with his trainer, James Cash to help raise money for his now deceased friend, Martin Kelly's charity called Facing the World. This charity helps provide plastic surgery to children in third world countries who are born with birth defects. Bertie and Jame's effort is called Facing the Atlantic. This was a truly inspirational interview and I so enjoyed my hour long chat with Bertie via video Skype. It was also the first time he had used it and he loved it.

Stephen Moyer
Stephen Moyer October 16, 2010 and April 15, 2010 - I have met Stephen Moyer several times now and on two occasions he granted me short video interviews. Stephen is my favorite actor and to have these opportunities have been just wonderful experiences. Last October, I was on the red carpet at the Scream Awards and Steve sought me out at the event and only spoke to me, no other press. How nice is that? Then, in mid April, I was fortunate to be invited to be inside the Press Compound at the Toyota Pro Celebrity Grand Prix where Steve was in competition as a celebrity and I had the fun of a lifetime shadowing him for an entire day. It was awesome.

Jim Parrack
Jim Parrack’s has just completed a very personal and lovely film, called “POST” which premiered last Friday night at the El Portal Theater in North Hollywood, CA. I attended the Premiere and will report on it shortly. It’s pretty miraculous that this film is completely Jim’s invention, and he was the entire crew.

Aaron Perillo
When, I spoke to Aaron Perilo, he answered some questions about his new role in True Blood and his character of Blackburn. He also talked about how he got started as an actor, about his audition for the part, his other projects and his likes and dislikes.
Lauren Bowles
I found Lauren Bowles delightful to speak to and it was great to learn about her life and her experiences on the on True Blood in her role as Holly. Just like all of the cast members I’ve previously spoken to, she too gushed about what a great experience it has been. I’m not sure what Alan Ball’s magic is, but he must really and truly be a genius, because I have never heard anyone say anything but positive statements about their time on the show.
Natasha Alam
Natasha Alam was interviewed by The Vault about her experiences on True Blood’s Season 3. You may remember that Natasha played Fangtasia’s pole dancer, Yvetta, who had relationships with both Eric and Pam. She also saved the day by freeing Sookie when she was being held prisoner in Eric’s basement.
I was privileged to interview True Blood' Chris who gave me the best interview to date. His heartfelt and very honest answers to my questions made me like him even more than I already do.
Adina Porter
Adina Porter - I met Janina at a party and started talking to her and asked her if she would be interested in doing an interview.  She agreed and we spoke the following week for about an hour. She is a delightful and fantastic actress that I'm sure you'll enjoy reading about.
Janina Gavankar
Janina Gavankar is like her other True Blood counterparts, beautiful as well as talented.  She is truly a renaissance woman since she is also interested in technology and music and enjoys being very creative. Janina also shares some secrets about True blood in our interview, so I'm sure you'll want to read what she had to say.
Carolyn Hennesy
Carolyn Hennesy hasn't even been seen on True Blood at the time we had our interview, but she is a TRUE fan, just like we are. She is going to play a member of the vampire authority names Rosalyn Harris and it will be fun to see what her character is like when the next season airs. However, Carolyn has been on lots of TV shows like Once Upon a Time, General Hospital and Cougar Town, so look to see her in these other shows as well.

Suzuki Ingerslev - Set designer for True Blood - I had the pleasure of speaking with Suzuki in her hotel room while she attended the San Diego Comic con. Here beautiful sets and designs for True Blood are revolutionary. She is also an extremely nice person along with her fabulous style and creativity.

Audrey Fisher - Audrey is the costume designer for True Blood. She has to come up with some pretty crazy outfits for the cast members and also distress clothing when necessary. She has done some fabulous outfits for the characters and just two during Season 5 have become famous, Pam's Wallmart sweatsuit and Jason's onesie.

Alexander Woo is one of the best writers on True Blood. Having been chosen by the best there is, Alan Ball he has taken over many of the more difficult story lines on the show. He wrote Bill's history and thought up the now famous "wheel" in the Fangtasia dungeon. He is my favorite writer on the show and he was kind enough to talk with me for over an hour and discuss the writing.

Gregg Daniel has played Reverent Daniels and husband to Tara's mother on True Blood.  In this interview I asked Gregg about how he auditioned for the role on True Blood and what it was like to be a part of such a great show. He also discusses that he knew Adina Porter, who plays Lettie Mae before he got the part.